
Responsibilities of the U.S. ICE

The United States’ Immigration and Customs Enforcement”, shortly known as  ICE, is a federal law enforcement agency which is subordinated to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The biggest agencies within the ICE are the Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Enforcement & Removal Operations (ERO). A Miami immigration lawyer can offer more information on the organizational structure of the ICE in the U.S.

General responsibilities of the U.S. ICE

General responsibilities of the U.S. ICE include the defense and security of the country through identifying, investigating, apprehending, prosecuting and deporting foreign citizens who represent a threat of any type to the national security of the U.S. ICE has an important role in discovering and preventing terrorist acts, including terrorist attack plans, communications, financial provision and entry in the U.S. An immigration attorney in USA can provide further details on this subject.

The U.S. ICE has taken on the responsibility of eradicating and disrupting terrorist cells and organizations that activate in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has therefore been able to target possible terrorists and criminals, impeding them for prosecution or deportation procedures. Our US immigration lawyer can offer information on this topic.

Attributions of the ICE in the U.S.

The ICE in the U.S. has two main attributions:

1.    To investigate the illegal movement of individuals and goods: the ICE personnel enforces the rulings of around 400 federal statutes. Illegal trade generally refers to guns, finances or drugs, however, the U.S. ICE responsibilities go beyond that, covering all types of illegitimate and counterfeit goods that enter the U.S.
2.    To prevent terrorism: Almost all the ICE agencies and regulations are meant to take a role in preventing terrorism. A few are of utmost importance, being responsible for finding dangerous individuals prior to entering the country or identifying them after coming into the U.S. illegally.

ICE in the U.S. is also responsible for averting illegal exports of technology that could be utilized to produce dangerous effects.

If you or a family member are or is involved in a case handled by the ICE in the U.S., it is advisable to seek immediate legal counsel from one of our immigration lawyers in Miami; please contact us